Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fear in Childbirth (Video)

This is a really good video citing many fears women have about childbirth, how those fears impact their experience, and what can be done to better support women in pregnancy and birth.


  1. Can you give a little overview of what the video is all about? It looks kind of scary based on the title and the crying baby pic...not sure I want to watch it!

  2. Jennifer, I'm sorry it comes across as scary! It's really a good video, and I've updated the post to include a short synopsis. I think it's beautiful and informative.

  3. I love it. Losing the fear of childbirth was the most important thing I did when moving to natural childbirth with my last 2 babies. Understanding the Fear-Tension-Pain syndrome made all the difference. Education made that possible and I hope more woman educate themselves to be empowered in making the decisions regarding their births.

  4. Thanks. I liked the note about how perceived knowledge may not be the same as actual knowledge and questioning whether there is actually informed consent going on with pregnant/birthing moms. Knowledge is power!
